Welcome back to SCC. Our docks and fleet are now open and available for use by members only, but there are (of course) a few rules to follow to keep you and everyone else safe. Use of SCC club gear is for members only and at your own risk. PFD’s required.
Please review and sign both our Waiver and our Dock Policy (yellow button, lower right corner) prior to your visit to the club.
In general, please wear your mask or face covering at all times, until you are on the water, and have it handy for when you get back. Maintain your social distancing. Don’t “browse” the equipment. Touch as few things as possible, and only the gear you intend to use.
Equipment Check OUT
If you didn’t bring your own PFD, get a dry one off the rack (wet ones were used previously).
Launch and enjoy your time on the water!
Equipment Check IN:
Please clean your equipment and store it safely in the racks or on the deck, in an organized fashion. Leave it better than you found it!